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Current Challenges of Environmental Law from a Human Rights Perspective

2022. március 2., 11:40


International Conference for PhD students


’Current Challenges of Environmental Law from a Human Rights Perspective’

Date of the conference: 7th April 2022

Application deadline: 10th March 2022

Application form:

The presenters of the conference will have the opportunity to publish in the peer-reviewed paper called ’Studia Iurisprudentiae Doctorandorum Miskolciensium’. The webinar is organized as part of the Central European Professors’ Network 2022 & Future of Europe Conferences, and coordinated by the Central European Academy and the Faculty of Law of the University of Miskolc.


The importance of the protection of the environment is by now recognized on a global level, and the challenges that environmental changes pose to humankind are targeted by the instruments of international law, as it is shown by the variety of international environmental treaties. Apart from international treaties, however, an even more protective approach is needed, in order to reverse or slow down certain environmental processes that might cause huge damages for the planet. Such an approach could be guaranteed by the international human rights system, as it offers sophisticated legal and extra-legal mechanisms that could be applied for environmental issues: harms, such as pollution, explosion, dumping, emission of hazardous materials, etc. could be addressed through human rights forums, as these problems interfere with the values that human rights are desgined to protect.

The conference aims to gather ideas of how the human rights approach can influence the overall protection of the environment through the presentation of the theoretical foundations of the interrelation of human rights and the environment, as well as the jurisprudence of national constitutional courts, regional human rights courts and other international judicial forums.