Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

The finances of the pension system

Course description

Finances of the Pension System

Course title:


Finances of the Pension System

Neptune code of course:


Institute offering the course:

Institute of Public Law

Department of Financial Law

Course type:



Course coordinator: Dr. VARGA, Zoltán associate professor


Teaching staff involved: -


Recommended semester: 


 spring and autumn


Number of lessons/week:

2 hours/week


Acknowledgement of course completion: essay

Credit value:

5 credits

Aim and content of course:

The course intends to give an overview of the finances of the pension systems in the Member States of the European Union, especially in Hungary.

The course tries to demonstrate the most important steps to the sustainability of the pension systems, and the results of the pension reforms in the Central Europe. The main subject matter is the Hungarian pension system in particular and its problems nowadays.

It is necessary to be stated, that the pension system has a hundred year history. It is a very special area, which is determined by the social security law, the financial law, economics, demography and sociology, and also affected by private law. 

Another subject is the coordination of social security systems in the European Union. The coordination provisions establish common rules and principles which have to be observed by all national authorities, social security institutions, courts and tribunals when applying national laws. By doing so, they ensure that the application of different national legislations does not adversely affect persons exercising their right to move and to stay within EU Member States. In other words, a person who has exercised the right to move within Europe may not be placed in a worse position than a person who has always resided and worked in one single Member State. A migrant worker could face problems due to the fact that in some Member States, access to social security coverage is based on residence, whilst in others only persons exercising an occupational activity (and the members of their families) are insured. In order to avoid a situation where migrant workers are either insured in more than one Member State or not at all, the coordination provisions determine which national legislation applies to a migrant worker in each particular case.


Competences to be developed:

knoweldge: T3, T4, T5

ability: K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7, K8

attitude: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6

autonomy and responsibility: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6



Thematic description of course content:







Historical background


The Pension System Reform-1997


Changes in the 1997-2011 period


The reform of the two-pillar statutory pension system in 2010-2012


Regulations effective from 2012


Eligibility criterion: service time,Calculating the pension amount


The benefits for persons with changed capacity, Survivors' (bereavement) benefits


Old-age pension benefits, Amount of old-age pension,Service time


Dependent’s benefits I.: Widow’s Pension, Orphan’s Benefits, Parent’s Benefits,


Dependent’s benefits II. : Accident-related Dependent’s Benefits, Widow’s Benefits


Enforcement of claims, procedural regulation


Miscellaneous Provisions for the Enforcement of Claims


 Liability regulations, remedy


Method and evaluation of in-semester assessment:

(presentation, test, essay etc.)

The student has to give an oral presentation or has to write an essay about a selected topic.


Completion requirements and evaluation criteria for seminar grades and exams:

(acknowledgement of in-semester contribution, scoring system, etc.):

There is a five-scale grading (1-5) where the thresholds are determined as follows: 0-60% fail, 61-70% pass, 71-80% satisfactory, 81-90% good, 91-100% excellent.


Oral/written exams, or specific methods/practices applied during the course : -


Compulsory literature:

  1. Varga Zoltán: Pension policy from financial point of view in the European Union
  2. In: Kékesi Tamás (szerk.) The Publications of the MultiScience - XXX. microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference. Konferencia helye, ideje: Miskolc, Magyarország, 2016.04.21-2016.04.22. Miskolc: University of Miskolc, 2016. Paper E-11. 8 p.
  3. (ISBN:978-963-358-113-1)
  4. Varga Zoltán: Financial Aspects of the old-age pensions' coordination In: Miskolci Egyetem (szerk.)
  5. The Publications of the MultiScience - XXIX. microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference. Konferencia helye, ideje: Miskolc, Magyarország, 2015.04.09 Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetem, 2015. Paper ISBN 978-963-358-061-5. 7 p. (ISBN:ISBN 978-963-358-061-5)

Recommended literature:

  1. Hajdú, József: Coordination of the old-age pension in the EU In: Emlékkönyv Román László születésének 80. évfordulójára. Pécs 2008.
  2. Varga, Zoltán: Adategyeztetési eljárás a nyugdíjbiztosításban. In: Hallók Tamás (szerk.)
  3. Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis: Sectio Juridica et Politica. 366 p.  Miskolc: Miskolc University Press, 2015. pp. 192-199.(XXXIII.)
  4. Varga, Zoltán: Koordinációs szabályok a nyugdíjbiztosításban. In: Paulovics Anita (szerk.)
  5. Decem anni in Europaea Unione IV.: Államtudományi tanulmányok. 310 p. Konferencia helye, ideje: Miskolc, Magyarország, 2014.09.11 Miskolc: Miskolci Egyetemi Kiadó, 2015. pp. 272-299.(Miskolci Jogtudományi Műhely; IV.) (ISBN:978-963-358-099-8)
  6. Könyvrészlet/Könyvfejezet/Tudományos