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Research subjects


Prof. Dr. Ilona Görgényi

  1. Restorative elements and tendencies in the criminal law
  2. Mediation in the criminal cases
  3. Victimology
  4. Community sanctions - alternative sanctions
  5. Fighting against corruption through criminal law
  6. Protection of the environment by criminal law

Csemáné Dr. Erika Váradi

  1. The actual question of criminology with special regard to the problem of deviations and delinquency in childhood and adolescence (including its causes, prevention and treatment), to the (criminal) justice for juveniles in conflict with the law, child protection; mediation and other diversions in juvenile criminal proceedings, to the special psychological and neurological features associated with age, their effects and evaluability
  2. Alternative conflict management and dispute resolution, their techniques and applicability, with special regard to for example traditional and ethnocultural conflict management solutions, intergeneration conflicts, the specifics of each mediation school, the communitiy crime prevention service or the reconciliation and forgiveness process
  3. Certain features of modern society; thus, digitalization and its social consequences (e.g., society 5.0; internet, social media, online games, gambiling addiction, and their effects); options for aggression, extremism, radicalism, and prevention / treatment (e.g., treatment of aggression); aging issues, especially to increase the social activity of elderly


Dr. Judit Jacsó

  1. Fight against money laundering (criminal and non-criminal means of combating)
  2. Figiht against tax fraud in the EU
  3. European criminal law - criminal law protection of the financial interests of the EU
  4. Criminal protection of the free movement of capital in the European Union
  5. Regulation of confiscation of property
  6. Substantive criminal law
  7. Hungarian system of criminal sanctions


Dr. Ferenc Sántha



Dr. József Gula

  1. Criminal law
  2. Economic crimes
  3. Protection of creditors
  4. Insolvency offences
  5. Human rights and criminal justice
  6. Fighting against corruption through criminal law
  7. Dogmatics of criminal law
  8. The system of sanctions


Dr. Ildikó Pongrácz

  1. Disruptive school behaviour
  2. Juvenile deliquency
  3. Children's rights
  4. Child protection
  5. Crime prevention
  6. Alternative way of responses