Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.
Department of European Law and International Private Law
Dr. Zoltán Angyal, Habil. PhD.
associate professor, head of departement
The intsitutional and legal aspects of the European Economic and Monetary Union
The legal guarentees of the independent of the central banks
Air transportation law in the European Union
Air passangers rights
The law of the single market
The Lisbon Treaty
Dr. Imre Mátyás, PhD.
associate professor
Private International Law/Law of conflicts
The international unification of private law, the impact of the
unification of private law and private international law on the legal
The unification of European contract law
Current issues of law of conflicts
Legal unification and the internal market/single market
Dr. György Marinkás PhD
senior lecturer
Dr. Lilla Nóra Kiss, PhD.
assistant research fellow
Digital single market
Legal aspects of the withdrawal from the European Union