Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

Boost your international academic and scientific career with our widely recognized PhD degree!


About the Central European Comparative Law (CECL) programme

The Doctoral School is pleased to announce a new four-year-long English-language PhD programme called Central European Comparative Law. The high professional background of the programme is provided by a recognised international teaching staff in the Central European region.
The main milestones of the PhD programme: The whole period of the PhD programme is 8 semesters. Students shall collect at least 240 credit points during the whole period, until the end of their 8th semester. Students shall pass the complex exam in the end of their 4th semester. Until this period they shall collect at least 120 credit points (they shall accomplish the core courses during this period - the 120 credit points can be collected by the courses and by their research activities).
- Course description can be found here.
- The actual research topics can be found here (First, you can see the Hungarian supervisors, after, the foreign supervisors and the research topics within the framework of the CECL programme).
- Entry requirements can be found here.
- The application form can be found here and the annex of the application form can be found here.
Deadline for the application: 15 May 2025,
The documents have to be sent to the following email addresses: and
- About the Doctoral School, see the the detailed information here.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us

Most important documents in connection with the doctoral programme:
Entry requirements
Actual research topics can be chosen
Course descriptions
Credit structure
Formal and content requirements of the doctoral dissertation
Doctoral regulation
Doctoral degree award procedure
Guides for authors to publish in the Journal of the Doctoral School (Studia Iurisprudentiae Doctorandorum Miskolciensium)
Semester report (report shall be submitted in the end of each semesters about research activity)

Statement forms:
Application Form for the Complex Exam
Proposal for the courses and examination board members of the complex exam
Summary of the doctoral training (absolutorium)
Request to appoint organisational unit for workshop discussion
Application form for workshop discussion
Request for public defense of PhD thesis
Declaration on mother tongue
Annex 10 of the request
Annex 11 of the request
Conditions for submitting the dissertation to public defense
Proposion for the Evaluation Committee of the public defense

About the CEA Scholarship

See the detailed information here.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.


About the CEA and its internship programme

See the detailed information here.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.